Organizing for Your Health

A resource to improve the aesthetics and efficiency of homes and businesses.
Welcome to ez organizing's website. My name is Ellen Zucker and I am a motivational organizer. I motivate, encourage and teach people how to organize their lifestyles.

Overwhelmed and don't know where to start? Organizing made ez - one on one motivational consultations, motivational workshops and hands-on organizing will teach you how to organize and develop a system that works for you. Learn to simplify your lifestyle - it will change your life and give you peace of mind.

Encouraging families to work together as a team. Give yourself the time to get organized - it's the greatest gift from God.

Give the gift of organizing!

Ellen's Wishes for the Organizing Industry
  • A curriculum in organizing skills developed for the school system and taught by professional organizers worldwide

  • A local radio and televison program dedicated to educating the community on organizing

  • The creation of a U.S. postage stamp promoting the skill of organization

  • My wish for Nashville would be to have the TOP (Tennessee Organizing Professionals) group become a chapter of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) - Exciting news! TOP just became a NAPO chapter here in Nashville in January 2008

  • My wish for 2008: have NAPO ( organize their annual conference here in Nashville, Tennessee
Special Thanks
I dedicate my website ez organizing to my incredible parents, Howard and Shirley Zucker. They have given me unlimited support and amazing love throughout my entire career. I feel very lucky and very blessed!

I also want to give thanks to these wonderful people who have helped me build and create ez organizing from the very beginning of my career. Thank you for your endless time and patience in our business relationship! My life has changed so much for the better because of you and I just want to say thanks for being a part of my life.

Paul Uchida - Nashville, TN - Thank you for your time in helping me create and design all the graphics for ez organizing

Ernie Rossi - Inverness, FL - Thanks for your gift of giving and incredible friendship

Sara Dunn - former President, AWRT Nashville Chapter and incredible voice over artist - Thank you for your wonderful support and friendship

Brenda and Carole - Direct Connect Solutions, Nashville, TN - Thank you for your time and patience in helping me get organized with all my business cards, brochures, flyers, etc.

Rick Moore - The Tennessean, Nashville, TN - Thank you for believing in me enough to take a chance and write an incredible article about ez organizing to the Nashville community.

Samantha Pointer - Pointer's Vine Web Design, Nashville, TN - Thank you for hosting and maintaining my website.